Now Selling: Chicken and Duck Eggs!

We are happy to announce that you can now purchase fresh, cage-free, eggs from free-roaming chickens feed an organic diet free of GMOs! Shew, that’s a mouthful. 

Sure, you see eggs at the grocery with all of the key selling phrases stamped all over the carton: cage-free, free-range, organic, the list goes on. What does it all mean? Are these eggs better? Simply put, yes…..and no. 

Cage-free simply means that instead of factory farms stuffing chickens into cages, the chickens are now just loose in the same warehouse, just not in a cage. They’re still packed in too tight to move, but at least they’re not in a cage, right?


Free-Range can mean something different depending on the source. Some free-range chickens are truly out there freely wandering the landscape, while others are allowed enough outdoor space to meet the requirements. 

How do our chickens stack up? Well, not in cages. The ladies (and a few roosters) here have a big spaces to run, play, and forage. In the Winter, I run three coops on top of my garden areas so that the chickens can scratch up the dirt, tilling it while eating any over-wintering pests in the dirt while also fertilizing the soil. This all means that our eggs are healthier and more ethically produced than the ones at the store. Try some for yourself by ordering on the Market Wagon ap. Just type “The Black Fox Company” into the search bar!